Neil Zacharias

Neil Zacharias brings 20+ years experience in Sales and Management.  He has worked for large multi-nationals and smaller tech startups.  He has a passion for sales and employee development.  He wants to see companies be great and he wants employees to thrive and advance.  He has a track record of success achieving President’s Club award status multiple times and Sales Manager of the Year.  He is proud of the employees he has lead and developed, with many of them moving on to Manager roles at National and Regional levels.  His approach is genuine and honest with his coaching grounded in real life experiences and proven concepts based on key trainers, coaches and authors who have influenced his learning.  Neil will ensure that the coaching is designed to maximize the individuals strengths and is something they are capable of executing on.

Neil and his family have lived in Edmonton since 2009. He is active in his young kids lives as well in the community through the Terwillegar Community Church.  He is a big NFL fan and on a quest to see every NFL Stadium.  He grew up on a farm in Saskatchewan and attended the University of Saskatchewan.  He has called Alberta home since 1996.  His summers always involve a trip to Invermere with the family. 

For more info or to see Neil’s posts and articles follow Neil on LinkedIn:

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